
The End of my Blog - Roblox Cheerleading

Roblox cheerleading is very, very, very different from other Roblox sports. You must attend, not miss, every practice your team holds, and compete at the Silver, Gold or Bronze Champion Arena. Some of my friends do cheerleading on Roblox and compete in massive competitions, I even recall some competing in the Gold Arena!  I don't actually compete in cheer, I just attend practices hoping that I'll practice enough to pass the test to get into a team. Timezones do honestly put my hopes down because most of the practices are around 4pm EST, That's 9pm for me. Cheerleading is fun, just a bit intense so I barely ever do it. I go to Central Cheerleading community, and FX (Fusion Xtreme) where I basically just practice tumbling, stunting and jumps. There's not really anything else to write about cheerleading, as it's pretty straight forwards on what you do. One of my close friends who designs Roblox clothes with me is in a team, and her friends work at a cheerleading compan

Roblox Sports / Gymnastics and Dance

There is way more than several sports on Roblox, there's and entire ton. From swimming to ice-skating, gymnastics and cheer, that is not even the end of the list! It goes on, and on until it reaches something like 'intergalactic space jumps' or something crazy like that. As I work at Roblox swimming, I'm going to push that aside for a moment and show what other Roblox sports are like! This time I'm going to write about my Roblox gymnastics competition experience and how it went! I previously went to gymnastics in real life, until it got too much and I didn't have much choice except to quit.  ` Out of all of the events, somehow I managed to get gold! Watch the awards video here , I'm Cakelyaa. I competed on May the 23rd at 3pm EST (10am EST) with my online friend Paulina! We both ended up getting gold so it was a big hit for us and our teams. Rebecca (my friend from school) has signed up for the upcoming June competition hoping to get into the schedule and wi

Meeting the team - Elite team bonding Roblox

Today was Elite Team bonding! I didn't get any pictures, but I have some from previous bondings, practices etc. Team bonding is all about meeting the staff, playing games and more. Today, we played 'guess the song', '2 truths 1 lie' and 'musical blocks'! Musical blocks are quite hard to explain, but also pretty easy.  ^Past Elite Team practice in May! In swimming, you have something called a block. It's used for swimming, but in this mini-game its purpose is for standing on. There is a line of people (or a person) who block off some of the stools so someone is out every time. The music is played, and everyone has to run around away from the bricks. When the music is stopped, they run onto a block, and there's one person who doesn't make it because we remove one of the blocks to make the game competitive. Musical blocks were really fun as I got to be the human border that blocks off some of the stools. We all danced whilst the music played, th

Moderation Team - Roblox swimming

Just a couple of weeks ago, I achieved one of my dreams to become a Moderator on Roblox swimming! I had to pass an application to get this role, and only 5 people out of more than 20 people got Moderator, and I wasn't expecting it would be me. Ever since I joined EPSD (Elite Pools Swimming and Diving) I've wanted to become a Moderator! I'm now know as a HR, a HR is a high rank, someone who deals with difficult situations and supervises swimming/diving classes! I get a  special tag above my head that reads 'Moderator', so they know who to ask for any assistance. It was such a big achievement for me as I failed first time but happened to pass the next. Not only do I get a special rank and a unique tag, I also get a place on a statue of all the Moderators! On the statue are all the high ranks+, Directors Assistants, Co-directors, Directors and the Developer of the group. Plus, I get to help the other members of the Moderation Team decide who has been worki

New clothing release - Roblox Swimming

When I woke up this morning, I came to see that the new team jackets for the swimming team I work at on Roblox had been released! They're dark blue with stripes of white and sparkle with a touch of white glitter! I bought one myself and it looked so cool, I had been waiting for these to release since June the 1st!  Followed by that, the EPSD (the swimming group) designers came out with new swim wear! Lifeguard swimsuits, patterned swimsuits and more! It was super exciting because when the announcement came out about all the new accessories, everyone immediately rushed to buy them and show off their new clothes at the pool. I was asleep at the time that they released as I'm not in the Eastern timezone in America like they are, but that didn't mean I couldn't get hyped up too!                                    My favourite is personally the jacket, just because the patterns on it and the twinkly sparkles make our team shine in the darkness! Not only can the Elite