Meeting the team - Elite team bonding Roblox

Today was Elite Team bonding! I didn't get any pictures, but I have some from previous bondings, practices etc. Team bonding is all about meeting the staff, playing games and more. Today, we played 'guess the song', '2 truths 1 lie' and 'musical blocks'! Musical blocks are quite hard to explain, but also pretty easy. 

^Past Elite Team practice in May!

In swimming, you have something called a block. It's used for swimming, but in this mini-game its purpose is for standing on. There is a line of people (or a person) who block off some of the stools so someone is out every time. The music is played, and everyone has to run around away from the bricks. When the music is stopped, they run onto a block, and there's one person who doesn't make it because we remove one of the blocks to make the game competitive.

Musical blocks were really fun as I got to be the human border that blocks off some of the stools. We all danced whilst the music played, the Elite team members ran around the blocks, through the water and over the lane separators.

At the end of the practice, we always do reflections! This is when we ask everyone what part they enjoyed the most and what they would like to see us do again. Sadly, I had to leave before we finished, but apparently everyone loved 'guess the song'! There was 80's music, pop music, classical and more! It was a full blast overall.


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